Direct Reduction Iron | Paralloy

Products & Solutions

Direct reduction iron 2x

Direct Reduction Iron | Paralloy

In the production of reforming gas for the DRI plants, one of the strategic pieces of equipment of the plant is the reformer furnace and the Process Gas Heaters. The reformer tubes inside that furnace are designed in dimensions to stand for a minimum of 100,000 hours at approximately 1050°C TMT, and up to 2.5 bars of pressure in the case of the Midrex reformers tubes type. The key features we ask those tubes to have are creep resistance at higher and higher temperatures, and to a degree, ability to withstand thermal cycles.

Paralloy alloys have tailored chemistry that enables exposure to temperatures up to 1200°C. Most specifically, they demonstrate very low creep rates that allow for long exposure to high in-service temperatures.

Talk to us today about our ground-breaking technologies and solutions, which are designed to endure the extreme conditions found within the DRI industry.

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Direct Reduction Iron | Paralloy

Products & Solutions

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World-class design and engineering processes

Designed, engineered and manufactured for the ultimate conditions